Caturday: Summer has arrived

Summers in San Francisco tend to be cold and foggy, but all that changes in September. Karl The Fog goes on vacation and the days are sunny and warm. While fall is beginning to arrive for many, summer is just getting started here.

This week, it’s downright hot. Now I know our temps are nothing like we would get in the desert. However, we don’t have air conditioning and we have huge picture windows that get the western sun and heat the apartment up like an oven.

The fur people are NOT amused. We shall survive and they will too. I give them rubdowns with a wet washcloth to keep them cool. Tito and Miss Jenny like it. Today, I’ll try it on Titanescu. If I survive without being smacked around, I’ll let you know. 🙂

Miss Nightshade Jenny
Miss Nightshade Jenny

And for a bonus pic.

Tito and Titan
Tito and Titanescu managed to sit touching one another for quite a while. Grumpy Butt forgot to get grumpy again.


Here’s a cool YouTube video from elson000.

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Caturday: pinky scritches and Swedish massages

Kitties always let you know how much force and speed is appropriate while you pet them. That is if you pay the least bit of attention, because distraction might make you bleed. Tito likes a Swedish massage with both hands on, one palm cupping his forehead, the other raking his fur from shoulder to the base of the tail. He prefers to lay in your lap, and it’s best if you happen to sit on the edge of the bathtub, since that’s where he stores his toys… He likes being close to them.

The way he lets you know to slow things down a bit is by digging his claws in your kneecaps. Once he goes from digging to pulling, you went too far… Amazingly, he sometimes enjoys belly rubs and getting his fur ruffled a little bit. Countless times a day he throws himself on our feet and rolls back and forth meowing and purring loudly. I sometimes pick him up so he can rub his face against mine while admiring the paint on the ceiling.

I can haz pettings?

Titanescu enjoys fingers raking the fur between his ears and above his eyes. He also appreciates the occasional scritches at the corners of his mouth and chin, so long as you don’t go too far down his neck. And it’s always best to let him smell your fingers before touching him. And you gotta keep it light, without dragging it out too long. One pinkie for one minute is just about right.

Yes, he needs a good brushing, but I would need a full set of armor before attempting it

Miss Jenny prefers to start out slow, fingers lightly raking from chin to tail, until she starts purring and stretching. Her favorite spot is the top of the cat tower, where she can push her arched back against the rim. You can then pet her more heavily, at which point it’s guaranteed she will fart. She looks at you as if to say she’s been brewing that methane just for you. Do you like it? Do you? She’s also been known to reach out and grab the glasses off my face, running scared when they clatter on the floor…

Miss Jenny
I saves my poots just for you

Petting chart

Now it’s time for another Shorty and Kodi video. We can relate to this. We just put up new drapes. The sheers are shredded and the drapes are now wearing a fur fringe. Be sure to visit their Youtube page or Facebook page.

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Holy Cow! Titanus Grumpicus Bunny Butt forgot to be grumpy

An amazing and miraculous event occurred. Grumpy Butt (aka Titanescu) forgot to be grumpy for a bit. It only lasted for about 5 minutes, but it was a major breakthrough. It has taken 6 mos. to get him to this point.

Titan and Jenny
They were not only touching, but they spent a few minutes grooming each other.

The picture isn’t the best, but since Miss Jenny runs from the camera, I had to use my phone. 🙂

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Sunset with Karl

One evening we were out and stopped by Bernalwood to walk around the hill and enjoy the sunset. It’s located just north of us here in San Francisco. It was a beautiful evening.

Bernalwood Sunset
The colors were gorgeous

We were slowly headed back to the car when I looked up and saw that Karl (The Fog) was moving in wispy tendrils along the top of Bernal Hill.

Bernalwood Sunset
Karl was aglow

I must confess. I’m having an affair. Lastech is well aware of it and he even helps me to indulge. You see, I spent the first 37 years of my life in the desert. While the desert can be beautiful, fog, rain and greenery are NOT plentiful. I simply adore Karl The Fog. He is one of my favorite things about San Francisco. I pine for him when he’s off somewhere and happy when he comes back. He was in a hurry and moving fast that night. Lastech and I hopped in the car and raced over to Twin Peaks. It was worth it.

Twin Peaks sunset
As you can see, Karl was magnificent.

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Caturday: the perils of socialization

Life in JBoD’s Zooniverse looks like one big feline slumber party. All our cats have at some point learned to cuddle and sleep with one another, and we have the cute photos to prove it. Nurse Jenny loves to sleep on Tito for instance. A couple of licks on his head and she flops on top of him. Even though their occasional sessions of mutual grooming degenerate into a Klingon ritual with tufts of fur flying, none of them has ever been that much upset or worse from wear.

Tito and Miss Jenny wrestle and peck at each other until only one remains in the basket to sleep, but there are no hard feelings, even after some pretty brutal bouts.

Tito and Miss Jenny

Which brings us to Titanus Grumpicus, that old gulag heavyweight…

Titanescu sleeps

Against her better judgment, which was sadly never that great to begin with, Miss Jenny continues her efforts in R&D, Rapprochement and DĂ©tente. She even managed to rest her head against Titanescu’s rump while he dozed off the other day, until he turned to glare at her. We suspect he has tattoos of onion-domed towers on his back, hidden under his fur, along with Russian iconography all done in black ink.

Miss Jenny and Titanescu
Alas, Grumpicus remains aloof

Titanescu doesn’t really know how to play, although there are signs he might like to: he will stretch at the bottom of the cat tower and sharpen his claws on it, prompting either Tito or Jenny to go into stalking mode. But when he’s at rest is not the time to come goad him. While not ferocious, he’ll swiftly throw the younger cat down and maybe swallow a tuft of fur for good measure. As the expression goes, Titanescu is not violent, he is competent. He doesn’t go overboard: a quick toss, maybe a push of the teeth, enough to have Jenny cry “uncle”.

Until her next social experiment in R&D…

Now, for a musical interlude with Shorty and Kodi. Be sure to visit their Youtube page or Facebook page.

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Caturday: Lazy day

My brain is lazy today. The kitties are lazy today. It’s a lazy day.

Lazy Tito
Lazy Tito showing off his green peepers
Lazy Titan
ZZZZzzzzzz Do NOT let that sweet face fool you. Lastech would risk a smacking, hissing, biting or all three if he decided to move his arm. He’s still our Titanus Grumpicus Bunny Butt
Lazy Jenny
This is the NOT lazy Jenny. It’s a very rare moment when I can snap a pic of her like that. She tends to run away when she sees the camera.

Now for a funny video about a little wet dog by Klaatu42 over at Youtube.

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We have joined up with a group of Facebook friends to participate in The Great Meow.

According to Venus BelaStar on FB:

In Remembrance of Those Departed
The Great Meow is a very old cat tradition passed down through generations. Our adopted dad, Shiva Dancing (who was a very wise and old soul) taught us about it.

The time will be 9PM in every time zone

At nine time throw your head back and let out the biggest MEOW ever for who you wish to honor…there is no limit to how many…PUT YOUR HEART INTO IT!!!

A few days later look for them in the late night sky…. The Perseid Meteor Shower will be passing us by…I don’t know about you, but I have some shooting stars to name!

We meow for The Boober (left) and Kitsy (right)
We meow for The Boober (left) and Kitsy (right)

We meow for Henry Hobson’s brother, Mr. Peabody. We are meowing for Nekoneko’s kitty, Goober and Sally’s sweet kitty, Sundance. We meow for Labwitchy’s two labs, Thordoggie and the Divine Miss D. We are also meowing for Abra’s sweet corgis, Terra and Justice. We meow for ALL of those who have passed over the Rainbow Bridge. All of them are missed greatly.

Miss Jenny

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Caturday: the FOG (F*****g Old Guy)


Even sitting by the window, he gazes inward. He pays no attention to traffic or birds in flight, he just appears absorbed in thought.

Titan 2

Maybe about his new life, maybe about the younger cats still trying to figure him out… Like kids throwing rocks through the windows of a dilapidated house, they pursue him to shove their nose under his nub.

“It is the nature of youth to play, with their foolish lack of purpose, but to suffer their nose up my tuchus? If two swats do not suffice, a quick bite on the neck shall have them running to their mother’s lap with a yowl.”

Of course, Jenny yelps more from surprise than pain: Titanescu doesn’t bite so much as push on you with his teeth. No, the real protest comes from catching a whiff of halitosis from Grumps. Irony for you, coming from the blue eyed little ball of gas.


But even if he knew his fetid breath for what it actually is, there’s no sign this mild indignity would bother the old hero. He lives each day, each hour as a separate life, spending many hours in contemplation.

He’s a cat who’ll go round and round (slowly) over a spot like a dog before settling down, resting his head against an arm or a leg. We’ve not heard him growl or purr, although he’s inflicted the occasional breathy hiss. We’ve learned his ears tell the story: it is time to stop messing him about when they start twitching. Next will be either a push of the teeth or a punch. I’ll take the teeth thing over the paws, at least they don’t bruise, and I can wipe off the excess spit…

Titanescu is I think the only cat I’ve ever known who would not recoil after hissing or hitting a human. He sits very calmly with a stoic look, not even a hint of feeling, ready to hit again if pushed. No sign of fear whatsoever.


In our defense, I think we’re getting trained faster than either Tito or Jenny, although the giddy temptation to “throw rocks” remains.


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