Just another day at the park

Yesterday we ran off to the park to test Lastech’s new phone as we wanted to see how well the navigation worked. We decided to visit the Arboretum in the hope that there might be some wildlife in addition to the magnolias that were blooming.


We rounded a corner to find 3 other people staring at a tree. This is why.

Closeup of the hawk
Closeup of the hawk

I found it amazing that several people walked by and never even wondered (or noticed) what we were all looking at. The hawk was sitting in a tree next to the walkway. It was only about 7 feet off the ground.

It was a good day. 🙂

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Today is National Angel Island Day

Several months ago Lastech and I were invited to go to Angel Island. While there, we took the tram tour. We did that as we had no opportunity to hike the trails at the time. My photos are limited as a result. I’ve been saving the last few as they are mostly of the the Immigration Center exterior but they are meaningful to me. In 2010, President Obama declared January 21st as National Angel Island Day.

The barracks were cramped and afforded no privacy
The barracks were cramped and afforded no privacy

I’ve spent my life surrounded by immigrants. Lastech is an immigrant and most of my friends are immigrants as well. One of my grandfathers came through Ellis Island. Sadly, unlike beautiful Ellis Island, Angel Island was built as a detention camp. The barracks were cramped and afforded little in the way of privacy and conditions there were deplorable. It was built to enforce the Chinese Exclusionary act of 1882. Economic fears and racial prejudice were the reason for act. From the proclamation (above link):

Unlike immigrants who marveled at the Statue of Liberty upon arrival at Ellis Island, those who came to Angel Island were greeted by an intake facility that was sometimes called the “Guardian of the Western Gate.” Racially prejudiced immigration laws of the time subjected many to rigorous exams and interrogations, as well as detention in crowded, unsanitary barracks. Some expressed themselves by carving poetry and inscriptions into the walls in their native language — from Chinese, Japanese, and Korean to Russian, German, and Urdu. These etchings remain on Angel Island today as poignant reminders of the immigrant experience and an unjust time in our history.

The station was abandoned after WWII and scheduled for demolition. In 1970, a park ranger named Alexander Weiss was exploring when he came across Chinese characters carved into the walls. It was the poetry. Due to his efforts and those of others, legislation was passed to preserve the poetry. You can read more about the station history here.

This poem and many others were found carved into the walls of the barracks
This poem and many others were found carved into the walls of the barracks

This is a translation of one of the poems

There are tens of thousands of poems on these walls
They are all cries of suffering and sadness
The day I am rid of this prison and become successful
I must remember that this chapter once existed
I must be frugal in my dailyneeds
Needless extravagance usually leads to ruin
All my compatriots should remember China
Once you have made some small gains,
you should return home early.

Written by one from Heungshan

There is writing and poetry from other languages and cultures as well.

Now here are some of our pics. We intend to go back when we can hike to the center and visit the museum.

Mule barn
Mule barn
Immigration barracks
Immigration barracks
The old fog bell
The old fog bell
Another view of the station barracks
Another view of the station barracks

Angel 5

The old hospital. It is currently undergoing renovation and isn't due to reopen until sometime next year.
The old hospital. It is currently undergoing renovation and isn’t due to reopen until sometime next year.
The island is full of deer
The island is full of deer

Angel 8

Angel 9

If you want to see our other posts about our Angel Island trip, you can find them here.

Angel Island: Another date with Karl The Fog

Angel Island: Part 2

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Caturday: Dead bug, jellybeans and a beggar

I finally got a few pics of the fur kids. Miss Jenny is learning to NOT run when she sees me with a cam. 🙂

Tito doing the dead-bug
Tito doing the dead-bug
Miss Jenny and her pretty pink jellybeans
Miss Jenny and her pretty pink jellybeans

As for Titan? Well, he’s the beggar. He’s the one who loves his mushy food. During PDT, he was fed at 5:30 am and pm. Now that it’s PST, it’s 4:30 am and pm. However, begging commences an hour ahead of time. In the wee hours of the morning he and Miss Jenny are a tag team. In the afternoon, Titan does something different.

When Titan is hungry, he sits in front of the computer monitor
When Titan is hungry, he sits in front of the computer monitor

Removing Titan from his perch is hazardous and usually results in a sound slapping session with or without hissing and biting. We both refuse to give in. I won’t feed him until the appropriate time and he doesn’t move. I sit and read my book instead. 🙂

And now for something completely adorable from WorldBirdSanctuary at Youtube.

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Caturday: Sleeping with the fishes

Not quite, but what the heck. I was bored and we haven’t gotten out much lately as our free time was taken up with a stupid phone problem. It’s fixed for the moment. Since I had no brilliant ideas, I went off to play with some photo editors.

Miss Jenny
Miss Jenny

So that we don’t ignore the doggies of the world, here is an amazing trick brought to us by nicknozzy (Nick and Ozzy) at youtube. Yes, it’s safe for work. 🙂

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OMG! I forgot a birthday!

Yesterday was the birthday of our friend and fellow blogger known as Catgirl. She has Nekoneko’s Movie Litterbox where she blogs about great horror films from around the world. I had a brain fart yesterday. My bad. My very bad. 🙂


Lots of best wishes from Rudha-an, Lastech, Tito, Miss Jenny and Titanescu 🙂

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Caturday: Titanescu is getting creepy

As you all know, Titanescu is grumpy. His other name is Titanus Grumpicus Bunny Butt. He’s called those names for a reason. He’s bloody grumpy!

He has lightning fast paws and he’s bitey. To date, he’s never broken the skin when he bit. It was always followed by an immediate licking of the bite area. He doesn’t smack with his claws out either. He will hiss loudly in your face and spray plenty of fishy smelling spittle if the slaps and bites don’t work though. I always thought it was funny.

Now I don’t know what to think. He hasn’t slapped or bitten me in days. He hasn’t hissed for a few weeks.

He’s plotting something. I know he is. It’s just not in his nature to go so long without one of his grumpy meltdowns. He’s been far too calm and he’s even been a tad snuggly. I’m going to be tiptoeing around the apartment waiting for the paw to drop.

Oh yeah, it’s Caturday! Here you go.

Tito and Miss Jenny enjoying the cushion together
Tito and Miss Jenny enjoying the cushion together
Here's Titanescu pretending to be lovey and using Miss Jenny for a pillow. He's plotting something I tell you.
Here’s Titanescu pretending to be lovey and using Miss Jenny for a pillow. He’s plotting something I tell you.

And now for something different. You can find more like this at zefrank1’s Youtube channel. It may be a bit too NSFW for some.

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Childhood revisited

The Sunday before Christmas, Lastech and I braved the unruly masses and went grocery shopping. Once we got home, and put away our supplies, Lastech told me to get ready to go out again and to grab the camera. The next thing I knew we were headed across the Bay Bridge.

He wound up taking me to Tilden Park to ride the steam trains. Redwood Valley Railway was established in 1952. It uses a small scale steam engine that runs on 15 inch track. The track is a bit over a mile in length and winds around through redwood trees that were planted there back in the 50s.

Naturally, I just had to ride the train. 🙂 I felt like a little kid again. Here are a few of my pics. Forgive the quality. The lighting was bad as it was late in the day.

#7 getting ready to take another load adventurers around the track
#7 getting ready to take another load adventurers around the track
We sat in one of the open cars. The Kids in the car ahead of us were excited
We sat in one of the open cars. The Kids in the car ahead of us were excited
The back half of the train had covered cars and a caboose
The back half of the train had covered cars and a caboose
Off we go
Off we go


Yep, there was even a tunnel
Yep, there was even a tunnel

The ride was over too soon. The next time we go, we’ll leave home sooner so that we can ride it more than once. In addition, there’s an even smaller gauge steam train adjacent to this one. It had just made its final run when we got there, so that ride will have to wait.

On our way back out, we made a point of stopping by the roundhouse where they work on the different engines.

The roundhouse
The roundhouse

Lastech and I plan to go back again soon. 🙂

Here’s a video that shows the train in action.

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