Typical old man Titanescu is… Typical. We knew he loved nothing like a good meal, and now that we got 40 pounds of his preferred litter, we discovered his other passion.
As soon as the litter was replaced, Titanescu camped himself in the box to release brown sewer trouts into it. The satisfied half closed eyes told the story of what the younger two take for granted. The light butt-waggle as he settled down to the business of uncoiling rope was purr gratitude.
Titanescu looking contented. Tito (background) looking nervousMiss Jenny sharing smells with Titanescu Miss Jenny showing off her weapon of mass destructionAs you can tell, Miss Jenny really rules the roost. The boys look nervous.
As to Miss Nightshade Jenny, she gives me the Feliway Blues while we wait for a new cartridge from Amazon… Given her newfound relaxed state and confidence, she has given up one of her more obnoxious habits: lâcher des caisses, péter comme une vache.
So here I sits, with Neil Diamond hits running through my head.
My apologies. Lastech was getting ready for work last night when we discovered that we had no hot water. UGH! I had to call the landlord today and then wait. …and wait and wait. I’m afraid I just totally forgot what day it was. We now have hot water again, so all is well in the JBoD household.
Here are the pointy eared people
Tito enjoying a ray of sunshineMiss Jenny is sooooo stoned on nipTitan surveying his domain
And now, from zefrank1 is another True Facts about…. video. This may be NSFW. It’s borderline at any rate.
I have posted the first part of our tenth anniversary adventure here and now it’s time for the rest of the adventure. Ever since our first trip to the island we’ve wanted to go back to hike. This time, rather than try to hike around the entire island (about 5 miles), we chose a section and explored. We took time to really see the area we chose rather than just hike past it.
On our first trip to the island we went as guests on a company picnic. It was our first time and we loved it. Karl The Fog was around for most of that trip. It was beautiful and it made the island feel peaceful and very secluded. This past week, however, the ferry trip out was beautiful and clear. We passed close to Alcatraz and pulled into Ayala Cove. From the cove, we followed the trail south and west to Camp Reynolds.
Along the way we saw lots of butterflies on the beautiful purple spiky flowers of the ‘Pride of Madeira” (echium candicans) which were blooming everywhere. The views from the perimeter road were stunning. We could see Belvedere, Tiburon, Richardson Bay, The Marin Headlands and the Golden Gate Bridge.
On the way, we passed the old hospital. It’s located on the road above Camp Reynolds. It was kept away from the camp so as to lessen the fear among the military men.
Once we reached Camp Reynolds we went exploring. The camp was built back in the 1860s and the bake house is still used for educational purposes. Down by the shore near the brick building, we had our lunch and enjoyed the scenery. I don’t know exactly what the brick building was used for, but it’s pretty and there are many century plants to found next to it. The old bloom stalks loomed over us. From our lunch site next to the ruins of the old wharf, we could watch the ships entering the bay beneath the Golden Gate Bridge.
After a leisurely lunch, we hiked back up to the perimeter road and head south toward Battery Ledyard. The views of The City skyline and the bay were stunning. We spent a while there just enjoying the scenery. We decided not to hike further as we didn’t want to rush back to the return ferry on time. We preferred to take our time and just enjoy the day.
From Battery Ledyard, we followed the perimeter road back to Ayala Cove. Since the ferry wasn’t due for a while, we went and found a nice spot in the shade and I got to soak my feet in the cove and watch the crows. It was a beautiful ending to a wonderful day. I love sharing the view with Lastech and hope to share many more.
There are no photos of the ferry trip back to The City. A very cold wind picked up and the water was rough. While we sat outside on the deck, I wasn’t going to try to stand up for photos. 🙂
P.S. While there we came across this cairn made of sea-scoured bricks. A critter (no dogs there) then came along and left their own mark. I call it…
Cairn and poo
Photos from our first trip can be seen here, here and here.
On March 19th, we celebrated our tenth anniversary. Ok, we didn’t actually. Poor Lastech caught an evil cold, so we postponed it. I didn’t mind and it wouldn’t have been a celebration if he wasn’t feeling well. As a result, we went out last Thursday. We divided our celebration into two parts and this was the first day.
We weren’t planning much for that day, but we had an ice chest with food and went out to grill some of our favorites. We originally planned on going to a lovely spot on the Marin Headlands, but it was closed for renovation. Instead, we explored the headlands for a while, clouds and bird watching before returning to The City to do our grilling at Baker Beach. We grilled carne asada, zucchini, mushrooms and a few bratwurst. We made tacos and had a very pleasant time.
We then took a trip to the arboretum to see what wildflowers might be blooming as it’s that time of year. It was lovely and we found azaleas, ferns and wisteria blooming. We also came across an old friend. 🙂
Yes, it was our old friend the hawk. We also watched a young couple walking around the arboretum. Both were so intent on their phones that they never saw the hawk. I don’t mind technology, but I would never want to be so unaware of the beauty that surrounds me. To be so close to a hawk is not a moment to be wasted. I’m simply amazed that it has happened so many times now.
The next day we went hiking on Angel Island and that will be the next post.
Lastech managed to take a couple of pics from the pier and at the Embarcadero. They weren’t taken on the same day, but they all occurred after the storms that have been blowing through.
Morning glowBay Bridge
We have had lots of rain, small hail, thunder and lightning. The pointy eared people were not amused, but they only hid during the hailstorm. They didn’t hide for long at all. That’s evidence (to me) that the Feliway is working.
It’s been an odd couple of weeks. The 19th was our tenth anniversary. Sadly, Lastech was feeling under the weather (understatement) so we put off any sort of celebrating. This week, he felt better so off we went. It turned out better than planned as we were between storms and the clouds were as spectacular as the rest of the scenery. I’m working on pics now, so Part I should be ready soon. Anyhow, due to graveyard shift and strenuous hiking, I slept through the day. My bad.
Here are the pointy eared people
Tito showing off his fangsMiss Jenny snoozing in the blanket fortTitanescu is NOT snoozing. He’s also a victim of reverse polarity, I mean coloring…I mean his colors are inverted… I need more sleep
I’m sure I’ve mentioned that Miss Jenny is our nervous wreck kitty. Paranoia…she has it. We have learned that we will probably be forced to move sometime this year as the property owners want to add two more stories to our building. In preparation, we started going through everything and getting rid of stuff. We were only able to work for 20 minutes at a time as poor Miss Jenny would panic and go into hiding. It was disrupting her world and we felt awful about it.
We decided to get a Feliway diffuser and try it. According to the company:
Feliway is a synthetic copy of the feline facial pheromone, used by cats to mark their territory as safe and secure.
Wow! Miss Jenny is much more calm. Titanescu is a wee bit more lovey too. Tito is just wonderful sweet hearted Tito. He used to be nervous, but he’s much more calm with age.
Disclaimer: We’er not paid by Feliway. We just like the product. 🙂
Jenny feeling the Feliway blissJenny and TitoFunny TitoTitanescu looking serious
Ten years ago today Lastech and I got married. I can’t believe it’s been that long. Time flies when you’re having fun. 🙂 Our life has been a real adventure. We have shared some great times and then there have been a few struggles. Life is like that. I couldn’t imagine sharing those times with anyone else. My last ten years have been wonderful and I’m looking forward to the next ten. When he asked me to marry him, he told me he wanted someone to share the view. We’ve done that.
We’ve gone cloud watchingWe found humorous things
We’ve gone bird watching
Red shouldered hawk at the Japanese Tea GardenGreat egret in Golden Gate ParkGreat egret at McLaren ParkWe’ve watched the kite surfers racingAnd we’ve watched the sailboats at restWe have seen the Golden Gate Bridge looking gloriousWe have even stopped to look at the tulipsAnd to top it all off, we have watched Karl The Fog roll in over The City at sunset
When he asked me to share the view I had no idea how magnificent it would be. 🙂
Most of you are sick of winter and we’re about to set records for being warm. Blech! on both counts.
Yesterday, we ran out to get our grocery shopping done early and came home to find Titanescu licking the crap out of something in the window. He was really going to town on it. Since I have caught him licking the mini blinds (yes really), I wanted to put a stop to it. I calmly pulled back the curtain only to see Tito looking up at me with a soggy head. Titanescu looked quite irritated that I had interrupted his forceful grooming of Tito. I put the curtain back and Titanescu resumed his licking. Wow..!
Lastech has been having fun taking pics with his phone. Here is his presentation of the pointy eared people.
Dramatic Tito is dramaticTitanescu quietly sits in judgementMiss Jenny sharing the cat cave with her best friend Tito