On ourCaturday postI provided information on the latest pet food recall. Today, that list has expanded. Wellness Pet Food has made an announcement:
Tewksbury, Mass. (May 4, 2012) – WellPet LLC announced a voluntary recall of one recipe of Wellness® dry dog food after being notified by Diamond Pet Foods regarding the presence of Salmonella in Diamond’s Gaston, South Carolina facility.
I love creepy movies and I love creepy pets as well. Like many people, I’m a fan of icanhascheezburger. The last theme I did with lolcats was Monty Python. This time it’s Silence of the Lambs. Hannibal Lecter was one of the most delicious bad guys ever.
San Francisco is famous for its hills. Bernal Hill is probably my favorite. As I mentioned in my last post, we went there to take a walk. The wind was pretty gusty so we stuck to the paved road that circles the peak. Usually we go to the South side of the hill as its closest to home, but this time we headed over to the North side.
Did I mention that it was windy? I don’t like wind. I really don’t like wind. I grew up in the desert and we had ferocious winds storms. Ok. I’ll shut up about the wind already. Here are some of my photos from the hill.
The blue flowers are Pride of Madeira (echium candicans)Red Valerian (Centranthus ruber) growing on the hillsideNudist treeRed Valerian and chertBernal chert with poppiesChert
No, there is no butterfly in the photo. However, like a butterfly, this little bit of artistry is fleeting. We went off to Bernalwood for a walk around the hill and I found this on a post next to the North parking area. I consider myself lucky to have seen it as the winds are brutal and it has probably blown away by now.
This isn’t the first time we have found what I refer to as Butterfly Art. It has taught us to really see what is around us rather than just taking things for granted.
The rains are almost done for the season and the clouds will make way for the summer fog, but it has been glorious. When the clouds are that great, it means a trip to Sierra Point with the camera.
Looking to the East toward San Lorenzo and the Oakland airportLooking to the North East toward Oakland and BerkeleyClouds and sun
After that, we went to McLaren Park to take a walk around the reservoir and watch the dogs play in the water.
The reservoir appeared calm at first glanceAs we watched, we saw a duck. Not far behind was the dogThe duck was taking the dog for a swim
The dog never did catch up with the duck. When the dog got too close, the duck would flap partway across the pond to lengthen the lead. Then the dog would chase the duck until it got too close and then it would start all over again. Twenty minutes later, the duck was still leading the dog around the reservoir. The dog got his/her exercise for the day.
After the entertainment provided by the dog and the duck, we headed back to the car. On the way, we found a pair of lizards enjoying the sunshine. The male lizard was doing a little romantic dance for his lady lizard that alternated between head bobbing and push ups. He was quite enthusiastic. We moved past quietly so as to avoid disturbing their budding romance.
Romance in the sun. The male (right) was courting his lady
On April 18, 1906 at 5:12 a.m. the people of San Francisco and the Bay Area were awakened by violent shaking. The ground shook for a whole minute and when it was done, the city and it’s people were devastated. The magnitude 7.8 was felt all over California, Western Nevada and Southern Oregon.
San Francisco Earthquake of 1906: Market Street, west of Powell and Fifth Streets, showing area east of Taylor and Powell Streets. This is the main part of the retail district of San Francisco, ca. 1906
While the quake caused massive damage, it was the fire that completed the devastation. Of a population of about 410,000, up to 300,000 were made homeless. The death toll was originally reported as a mere 375 because government officials felt that the true number would hurt real estate sales and the rebuilding effort. It’s now estimated that a minimum of 3000 perished in the quake and ensuing fire. Chinatown, with a population of around 14,000 was destroyed and the dead were never counted. As a result, the true death toll of the 1906 quake will never be known.
Photograph of a Camp in Golden Gate Park Under Military Control After the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake, 1906
Every year the event is commemorated and attended by the survivors. The number of survivors have been dwindling over the years. This year, three of the four remaining survivors attended the parade and private dinner on Tuesday evening.
William Del Monte and Winnie Hook, who are both 106 and George Quilici, 108 — will all be on hand to remember the great earthquake and fire.
Ruth Newman (b. 1901), the other survivor, wasn’t well enough to attend.
Lotta’s Fountain located on Market St. and Kearny
This morning, the survivors met at Lotta’s Fountain. There, they had a moment of silence beginning at 5:11 a.m. to mark the time of the quake.
Lotta’s Fountain is San Francisco’s oldest surviving monument. It was donated to the city by Lotta Crabtree and dedicated in 1875. In the aftermath of the quake and fire, people met at the fountain to exchange news and find out who was missing and who wasn’t. That is why it is used today to commemorate the Great Earthquake of 1906.
In 1910 Lotta’s Fountain was a meeting place again when the famous opera soprano, Luisa Tetrazzini came San Francisco and kept a promise to sing in the streets. At the fountain, she gave a free concert that was attended by an estimated quarter of a million people.
We had a few good storms and it rained cats and dogs. I think it rained a guinea pig or two as well. Monday is here and it’s the day before taxes are due. Yeah, sorry for the reminder. This Monday is a good example of the need to escape. I decided to help you escape with cats, dogs, and some good music.
Many of you will remember the Ultimate Dog Tease video by klaatu42 at YouTube. Well, here is the Ultimate Cat Tease by the same. If the screen goes wonky and sputters, it’s deliberate. Just wait. It’s worth it.
It’s time for the dogs. Here is OK Go with a wonderful song and video starring dogs and OK Go, of course.
Here is a LOL from Cheezburger cute enough to make your head ‘splode.
I’ve mentioned before that winter is normally our season for storms. It didn’t happen this time. Sadly, San Francisco remained dry and well behind on the annual rainfall. Spring has tried to make up for it. We have had quite a few storms come through already and more are on the way. I can’t complain as I love everything about rain. I love the sound of it on the skylight. I love the smell of wet soil and tree leaves. I even love to walk in it. On Sunday, we were between storms so we went for a walk in McLaren Park.
It’s twofer Tuesday and we have two birthday wishes to extend to friends of JBoD. On Sunday, labwitch celebrated an Easter birthday. Yesterday, it was flumptytail’s turn. Labwitch is a doggie mum and flumptytail is the mum of many cats. Both are wonderful animal people and friends of the blog.
From JBoD to both of you…
In no particular order, here are some funny photos brought to you by icanhascheezburger.
Like many people, I grew up on the humor of Monty Python. Dad and I used to watch Monty Python’s Flying Circus religiously. And, like the rest of the world, I’m always making reference to them or finding references to them.