Fog, cats, a dog, and a country run amok

Karl the fog came to visit and the leadership of my country has run amok. Of course I’m thinking of one in particular, but that name shall NOT contaminate this blog. He’s running amok and no one will stop him. They’re either silent about him or aiding him. It’s the same either way. I’ve tried to keep politics (aside from social issues) out of the blog, but it’s going to creep in and this is one of those times. Between threats to our LGBT friends and our friends from sh#thole countries, I’m just sick. Sick and tired of the bigotry and racism from a jerk running his “mouth” off on Twitter and enabling all the other bigots and racists. I can only hope that the 2018 mid term elections bring about some much needed change. It’s going to take years to correct the damage that’s been done. Of course, that’s provided he doesn’t get us all blown up before then.

In things, life hasn’t been all bad. Karl the Fog decided to pay a visit for the last few days and Lastech got some cool pics.

This is from before the fog rolled in with Coit tower and the Bay Bridge lit up
The fog makes everything look quiet and mysterious

Not fog, but it fits in with the others.

Of course, we haven’t forgotten the critters. They’re doing fine. They didn’t appreciate the cold snap we had, but I told them it could be worse. They could be living in the NE part of the country or in Canada. They have a heated blanket, so they don’t suffer.

Tito loves the heated blanket
Miss Jenny: You feed me now?

Titanescu gets two pics this time.

Warm blanket ZZzzzzzzzz
I love it when he shows off his fangs.

Not to forget the dawg. She doesn’t have an electric blanket, but her crate in well insulated and she has a blanket collection.

Here’s Pepi snuggled in her blanket.

Well, that’s it for now. I’ll try to post again sooner.
