School bus driver Kyung-Chul (Min-Sik Choi) has a nice little toy affixed to the rear view mirror of his van: plastic angel wings which light up in cool blue. It’s cute looking and probably helps put the young women and girls he picks up at ease.
Yellow school van and little blue wings.
Choi as serial killer Kyung
But Kyung is a serial killer who brings his victims back to his lair to carve them up after raping them. He then provides a cannibalistic associate of his with their meat to consume.
Watch the trailer here:
One snowy night in the countryside, Kyung drives up to a station wagon stopped by the side of the road with a flat tire.
We would like to extend our sincerest condolences to our friend Abra Crabcakeya. He has lost a friend and companion.
On May 10, 2011, a wonderful Cardigan Welsh Corgi named Terra crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Born on November 30, 1997, Terra was 9 weeks old when she went to live with him. She was truly loved and gave her love in return. She will be sorely missed.
Her human, Abra Crabcakeya said this about her:
She has always had a knack of doing everything in a unique way that made her doggish doings uniquely hilarious. Terra will be missed more than I can ever express.
She is hardheaded , eccentric , and seldom obeys anyone but me – “Daddy’s Little Girl” , always.
TerraThis way , Daddy - O , this is where we're going
Along with being daddy’s girl, she was also a loving companion to two other fur faces. One is a Cardigan Welsh Corgi named Justice and the other is a Pembroke Welsh Corgi named Tsula. They miss her too.
From left to right: Tsula, Terra, and Justice
Terra is now romping with Durango, The Boober, and others while she waits for her human and furry companions at the Rainbow Bridge.
While being interviewed by a news crew, Judy Pugh from Tuscaloosa Alabama, is reunited with her cat Cadie. Cadie simply walked up to her after a month long separation.
Listen to Cadie purring as Mrs. Pugh holds her close.
All furry (and not furry) creatures are miracles. Perhaps not quite of this sort:
In anticipation of the Apocalypse predicted tomorrow, undoubtedly a very sad day for many people, we asked the furry ones whether they were planning the final takeover this weekend. But…
Endcat is coming?
What we have here…
Is two cats and two humans trying to communicate verbally, and for anything other than entertainment, it’s a failure.
Kitsy: -“MmmMmRrrrww-eeew…. WAAAAAH?!? MmmmMrrrrr…
Tito: – RrrrRwwEEEEEE..! RrrrRrrooooo…..
Us: – Wha-? Errm, weeeee?
Kitsy: – RRWAH!!!” (Stops to lick the inside of his left thigh, leg fully extended, toes splayed).
"Say whaaaa-?"
The fact is, these buggers are ambiguous: you know that look, when they watch you with half closed eyes, seemingly satisfied? They have the exact same expression when they give you the stinkeye.
Body language..?
A helpful guide
Tito does the downward bonk, dipping his head straight down and applying his forehead to your hand in salutation. Kitsy does the sideways bonk, tilts his head to one side, rubbing his chin and side of his face against you. Sometimes, he will shove his head nose first into your hand, and I think that’s his preferred way of wiping his schnazz as well.
Mmmumph.... I don't believe this...
Most times, the conversation is one way, especially with Kitsy who will stare at us trilling, cooing, meowing until he gets pissy and takes off barking. Yes: he barks.
Most times, it goes something like this.
We love to wander the trails above the San Francisco Bay between Baker Beach and the Golden Gate Bridge. It’s the time of year for flowers and wildlife and lovely sunsets. Here are a few of my favorites. I hope you enjoy them.
There’s a beach hiding under that fogThe fog is beginning to blow awayThe fog is gone and the bluff is full of flowersThe Golden Gate Bridge and the Marin HeadlandsSeed podsLooking south toward Baker BeachYellow LupineThe late afternoon sun lights up the Golden Gate BridgeIvy on the battery stepsTwisty treeSunset over Point Bonita
The other day, we had to take a trip down the peninsula to San Jose. Once we had our business taken care of, we headed back home. The timing put us on the freeway at the start of the rush hour. Yucky!
Since freeways are boring at the best of times, we took a detour and wound up taking the scenic route home. We drove West on Page Mill Road until it connected with Hwy 35 aka Skyline Boulevard. Before we got to Skyline, we pulled off at Monte Bello Open Space Preserve. The Midpeninsula Open Space Preserves are wonderful places to visit, hike, bike, or ride horses. We didn’t stay long or hike far as it was getting late in the day. I did manage to take a few pictures though.
The hills were green and the grasses were tall. Wildflowers grew in abundance along the trail.
Sundance, the black kitty with his brother Durango, the grey tabby
Today we got the sad news that our friend SallyCat and her husband (Mr. Cat) have lost one of their beloved fur kids. Sundance crossed the bridge on May 15, 2011. It’s very hard to lose our furry family members. The Cats have our sincere condolences. Sundance will be sorely missed. I’m sure The Boober was at the bridge to greet Sundance when he arrived.
In 1348, the plague known as ‘black death’ is cutting wide and deep through the populations of Europe and has reached England with a vengeance. Some men have taken to question God, while others blame Him outright, forcing the Catholic Church to take drastic measures to assert itself.
Watch the trailer here:
Those communities not yet affected by the disease come under suspicion of witchcraft and emissaries are sent to investigate and return proof to the religious authorities.
The other day we went back to the Japanese Tea Garden. Since it was a weekday, it wasn’t too busy. I managed snap a few pics. Being springtime, the garden was lovely and green. The trees that were still bare on our last trip have leafed out.
Here are a few of our pictures. I hope you enjoy them.
Photo by LastechPhoto by Rudha-anPhoto by Rudha-anPhoto by Rudha-anPhoto by Rudha-anPhoto by LastechPhoto by Lastech