If cats ever acquire a sense of ridicule, may God help us.
They will not stand to be embarrassed.
Last week, Lastech and I went off to watch a sunrise. He took me to the area where he took his last group of pics. It’s called Shoreline at Mountain View. It is home to a lot of birds. It’s full of birds during the migration season. We plan to go back to take advantage of it.
South of San Francisco is the town of Mountain View. In 1956 the first company to develop silicon semiconductor devices was located there. The area is now known as Silicon Valley. Shoreline Park is built on an old landfill. It features an artificial lake and golf course. It has many trails and is adjacent to the bird sanctuary.
Here are a few photos taken by Lastech at sunrise.
Here are a few photos that don’t fall into a convenient category. I adore them and think they should be seen though. 🙂
The first one is taken by flumptytail. She’s the mum of a bazillion kitties and I just had to post it here. One word. WOW!
The rest of the pics have been taken by Lastech. It’s an odd lot and are unidentified.
Last week we took a lovely hike through Tennessee Valley. It is located North of San Francisco in Marin County. The valley and cove are named after the Steamship Tennessee who ran aground there in 1853. Remnants of the ship can still be seen at low tide.
As I mentioned before, Lastech is now working a graveyard shift and we’re adjusting. It’s not a bad thing. 🙂 Lastech has managed to come home with some very nice pics. Here are a few of them. ALL pics in this post were taken by him.
Now for the bonus pics. Lastech was driving through the neighborhood on his way home from work and had a WTF moment. He couldn’t resist taking pics of the lawn mowers in action.