While it’s a holiday for some, for the rest it’s another Manic Monday and some humor is certainly needed. I’ve heard it said that cats are aliens. They are certainly strange… and funny.
It’s Terrible Tuesday and I went off in search of a bit of music. I was in luck. I had plenty to choose from. Hopefully, if anyone is having a terrible Tuesday, this will bring a smile to their face. Singing animals can always make me smile.
Here is a great bit of music from Litterbox, the cat rock band.
Just to show that she can compete with cats, here is a cute dog named Lila singing along to the radio.
But wait! There’s more!
This is Lolita singing Bodies by Drowning Pool.
Last, but certainly not least is Prince, the singing toad.
A dog left for dead on a railway track in Poland has been given a second chance at life thanks to the kindness of a local animal shelter and vet. The 4-month old can now get around with wheels replacing her paralyzed back legs. (Aug 18)
Since I’ve been harping on owls lately, I thought everyone might get a laugh out of this pic.
We were driving around Stow Lake at Golden Gate Park looking for wildlife when we found it. I was hollering “whoa” and Lastech was muttering something about a gagglef@&k of birds. 🙂
Of course, the Mary Poppins song “Feed the Birds” came to mind, but Hitchcock memories overruled. At least we weren’t at Bodega Bay for this one.
Pigeons and gulls and ducks. Oh myFeed the birds… Tuppence a bag…The Birds are waiting and watchingMine, mine?, mine, mine? mine!
Two years ago today, Lastech and I made an important decision. We quit smoking. I had wanted to quit, but Lastech wasn’t there yet and I wasn’t going to bug him. I brought home a book from the library. It was called The Easy Way To Stop Smoking by Allen Carr, and it was a short and easy read. Lastech started reading it while I was cooking. I read it the next day. The day after that, we had our last smoke. We have had two years of freedom and no intention of ever lighting up again. 🙂 Hooray for us. If you wish to read the book, your library will probably have it. Most of them do. The price at Amazon is fairly cheap, as hardcovers go (see link). While the method in the book is cold turkey, it doesn’t matter. It’s a very good read even with nic replacement. In the end, it doesn’t matter how you quit.
I wouldn’t remember the day we quit smoking except that the day before (August 1st) was my mom’s birthday. She is now an octogenarian. Happy birthday to mom!
Birthday flower for mom
Now for some humor to celebrate the day.
This is what can happen to the human tin opener.
Gotta have a dog in here.
Last, but not least is a wonderful but strange video about sheep.