My apologies friends. We missed Caturday. It’s a wonder we haven’t had a meltdown. We’ve had a heckuva week. We dealt with dr. appointments and lab vampires with some good news and some not. The not-so-good news isn’t awful. It’s just a PITA and has to be dealt with. In other words, aging sucks. We’re also down to a deadline in regards to our car. The registration expires on the 15 and it won’t pass smog. We went to look at cars and came home with one rather unexpectedly as we weren’t planning to buy that day. In addition, I did NOT manage to get the stupid storage unit emptied. I’ll do that next week. Hopefully they’ll prorate the bill instead of making me pay for the whole month. At least we don’t have the insanity of the city to add to the mess. One good thing. We’ll have some blog posts coming up. 🙂
Soooooo here are the pointy eared people. Miss Jenny wasn’t very cooperative. Titanescu wasn’t either.
![Tito being lazy](
![Titanescu (left) and Tito (right) hogging the sunbeam](
![I managed to lure Miss Jenny out from under the couch with treats.](
Since our week has been hectic, I felt that some peace would be nice. Here is a very beautiful short film by Erik Wernquist. All the places exist in our solar system. The words and voice are from Carl Sagan.
Ooooh… so sorry to hear things are so snarled up for you of late. Here’s to hoping they sort themselves out soon, this move has been so stressful for all of your lil’ clan and you deserve some nice stress-free time. 😉
We got the old car dealt with and a blog post will be up shortly. Things are actually better since the move. It’s given us the time to get the medical stuff sorted out. It would just be easier if it wasn’t all at once is all. 🙂