As a follow-up to last Caturday, this is what went on this morning at 5 am…
Tito started with his monkey-boy routine of hanging upside down on the cat tower…

Notice the rare evil glow in his eyes…

Although not everyone was impressed…

Someone was.


Meanwhile the old coot didn’t even care what was on tee-vee…

All this action occurred only ten feet away from where I was sleeping. I never woke up. 🙂
It’s “Ninja Kitty Stealth Mode”… I think the lil’ fluffy ones use it as their default “cruise control”. 😉
Ting-Ting loves to do the same sort of goofy frantic play all around our bed at night in eerie silence… Well… mostly. Once in a grand while one of us will shift in our sleep and trigger the dreaded “pounce of death”, also in super silent stealth mode. Hehehe… at least having her around means never being bored…. 🙂
It’s impossible to be bored when you have kitties. 🙂