Ok, I lost them already. When we took a load to storage, I accidentally tilted a game box and there was a major marble spillage. Although I found most of them, the silly little things rolled everywhere and I’m sure I’ll find more when I empty the storage unit.
This may be the last Caturday for a couple of weeks. I’m not sure we’ll have much internet access right away. Tuesday evening we will hand over the keys and head for the hotel. We are scheduled to have our trailer delivered on Thursday, if all goes well. Our goal is to have it set up so we can move in on Friday. I’ve managed to change our address with the bank, the DMV, insurance, voter registration, etc. I have more to do, but it can wait a few days.
With all the changes, the pointy eared people are laying low. We haven’t managed any new pics. Instead, I pulled out a few of my favorites.
Here are three pics of the inside of our new home.
With luck, the next time we post we will be living in the city of Concord. 🙂