Anniversary adventures: up in “our” grill

On March 19th, we celebrated our tenth anniversary. Ok, we didn’t actually. Poor Lastech caught an evil cold, so we postponed it. I didn’t mind and it wouldn’t have been a celebration if he wasn’t feeling well. As a result, we went out last Thursday. We divided our celebration into two parts and this was the first day.

We weren’t planning much for that day, but we had an ice chest with food and went out to grill some of our favorites. We originally planned on going to a lovely spot on the Marin Headlands, but it was closed for renovation. Instead, we explored the headlands for a while, clouds and bird watching before returning to The City to do our grilling at Baker Beach. We grilled carne asada, zucchini, mushrooms and a few bratwurst. We made tacos and had a very pleasant time.

We then took a trip to the arboretum to see what wildflowers might be blooming as it’s that time of year. It was lovely and we found azaleas, ferns and wisteria blooming. We also came across an old friend. 🙂

Yes, it was our old friend the hawk. We also watched a young couple walking around the arboretum. Both were so intent on their phones that they never saw the hawk. I don’t mind technology, but I would never want to be so unaware of the beauty that surrounds me. To be so close to a hawk is not a moment to be wasted. I’m simply amazed that it has happened so many times now.

The next day we went hiking on Angel Island and that will be the next post.

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Point Bonita lighthouse: at land’s end

Standing where ocean meets earth, lighthouses hold a certain meaning for anyone I think. My wife loves the architecture and scientific aspects of Fresnel lenses, weather patterns, geology and wildlife. I like to let my imagination play with the same, especially when I picture these places after dark. I’ll give you two guesses at who fixes stuff around the house, like the sink or the toilet.

The lighthouse at Point Bonita holds its charms in a very dramatic and beautiful setting, accessed via a tunnel carved through rock and a narrow bridge over a steep drop.

long is the way and hard by Lastech
long is the way and hard by Lastech

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Sunrise at the Golden Gate Bridge and the Marin Headlands

No matter how long I live here in San Francisco, I will never get tired of looking at the Golden Gate Bridge. The view from the Marin Headlands is magnificent and from there, one can see the Golden Gate Bridge and the San Francisco skyline. On the weekends, it’s full of tourists. On the weekdays, at dawn, it’s much more peaceful, with only a few people.

Golden Gate Bridge
Golden Gate Bridge from Battery Spencer

Continue reading “Sunrise at the Golden Gate Bridge and the Marin Headlands”
