Titanescu is especially sad. His hero, Colonel Meow, has passed away. The Colonel was a rescue who was found abandoned by the side of the road. He was later adopted by Anna Marie Avey aka Slave Beast. His rise to power began when his pictures were posted to Instagram. From there, he extended his power to Facebook. On top of his rise to power, The Colonel also holds the Guinness World Record for the longest fur (9 inches). He accomplished much in his short time on this earth. We’re sure he’s finding new minions beyond the Rainbow Bridge and living by his motto:
Enjoying life, one scotch induced nap at a time.
Jarrett Bellini of CNN has written a wonderful and humorous obituary for The Colonel and you can find it here.
Colonel Meow will be missed greatly and we wish to extend our condolences to Anne Marie and ALL of his friends and minions. With much love from Titanescu, Tito, Miss Jenny Nightshade, Rudha-an and Lastech
Here are the pointy eared people.