Friday Night Cats Blogging: in the land of Pointy Eared people
Well I was wrong: despite being a tortie mix, Jenny has not one crazy mean bone in her. We’ve now had plenty of opportunity to watch her at play with her two uncles, and heard nary a hiss.

She’ll hop next to them and “bop” one in the head with a mild slap and no claws (Maz is remarkably unscathed after several romps).
Although, there was this one time yesterday when Maz sat on the bed, watching her from his meatloaf position and she approached him from the floor, sideways and all fluffed up, growling fiercely.

The kind of growling that says “I will end you and all that you love”. Well, Maz being Maz remained unfazed and she “deflated” soon afterwards. This afternoon, she did a half-Frankenstein, leading us to hope for a full-Frankenstein at some point in the future.
Speaking of “deflation”, the little darling’s still got the occasional case of the farts. Perhaps we out to call her Jenny Pujol? For a feral kitty with virtually no ‘social’ interaction, it did not take much more than a week for Jenny to show her cuddly, loving and playful nature. We knew it was important for her to have a safe place to hide, but also to never be alone with the other two.
As expected, Tito had a major role in making her feel safe enough to venture out and greet us, and she loves to romp with Maz, especially.

Earlier, we chuckled at the computer desk crawling with them Pointy Eared folks.
We end this installment with a song we weren’t familiar with, about Freddie Mercury’s favorite cat Delilah. Enjoy.
Delilah lyrics are here.
Teddy Bear Won’t Share
It’s HIS corn and he says “MINE”. Teddy Bear doesn’t want to share.
Terrific Tuesday: Stories to Make You Smile
Today is terrific for several reasons. The first terrific thing is that Kitsy aka Maz Whang is almost back to normal. He’s back to eating and plotting his next food theft (preferably Jenny’s food). Maz is also trying to be more vocal. I say trying, because he has laryngitis and it sounds comical and pathetic at the same time. We’re just happy to have the ole Maz Whang back to his mischievous self.

The next two terrific things are almost guaranteed to make your eyes water.
Oskar, the blind kitten, was born without fully formed eyes. After being adopted, his humans recorded him playing with his new toys. Oskar has a YouTube page that he shares with his buddies. Please give him a visit.
This next video comes to us by way of ARME and the Beagle Freedom Project. This story is both heartbreaking and wonderful at the same time.
There are many more stories like these out there. The economy has been especially hard on our furry friends and they need all the help they can get. If you are able to give an animal a forever home, please do. If not, please consider donating to your local shelter or rescue groups. A bit of volunteer time can make their lives even better.
Screwing with Maz Whang: the call of the Kookaburra
Friday Night Cats Blogging: Black Friday edition…
Maz Whang’s been under the weather these past few days, something which wasn’t readily apparent at first.
Update by Rudha-an: Maz is better this evening. He’s eating more and has gone exploring in Jenny’s room instead of heading straight back to bed. He still has a way to go before he’s fully recovered, but he’s definitely on the road. 🙂

All three cats had the sneezes and got a little extra L-Lysine in their food. I thought at first he might be taken aback a bit by the new arrival, stifling his usual enthusiasm.
In addition, the weather’s turned colder, driving Maz under the blankets. That said, he spent an inordinate amount of time hidden there and –gasp – even stopped eating a couple days ago. Today was to be decision time about a trip to the vet, but Maz perked up early this morning, eating and even chasing Tito and Jenny briefly.

We’re monitoring him closely as even this bit of progress can be deceptive, but it’s still encouraging.
Tito and Jenny spend much of the day wrestling, Jenny meowing “UNCLE!” every so often, only to launch herself at Tito again once he lets go. PSYCH!

“She’s the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen
Such a beautiful violence coming in”
– The Creatures “Prettiest Thing”

She now knows all the good sleeping spots: the chair by the kitchen window, the cat tower, the doggie bed by the computer and Tito’s paisley dog cushion by our bed.
I’m also very happy to announce that the turd flicking has stopped and that she no longer runs to hide when one of us bipeds lumbers around.
Tito played a huge part in bringing her out of her shell, and she is a loving little dynamo, purring up a storm at the slightest touch, grabbing the petting hand with both paws (but no claws) to rub her chin against it and patting it with both sets of pink jellybeans.
Yes, her tiny jellybeans are the color of pink lemonade.
What lovable creatures they all are… The cute is strong in this one.
Fall Colors
Living in San Francisco, we don’t have the extreme weather changes that other places get. However, we do have a few trees that are changing color and the rains have started.
The other day, we were at Golden Gate Park killing time waiting for the SFSPCA to open so that we could go adopt Miss Nightshade Jenny. We went to go check out one of our favorite spots. I’m glad we did.

The most accurate way to describe the cats’ breakthrough is to compare it to a kind of movie trailer: the epic blockbuster.
With somber music, we are introduced to the main characters, one after the other, in slow motion, each one fading into the other before the action explodes on screen.
Yeah. It was like that. Each kittoune* venturing further into the light until…

One of the funniest moments was Jenny darting in the hallway and squeezing under Maz’ gut, between his legs. She looked like an X-fighter trying to trip an All Terrain Armored Transport in “the empire strikes back”….
But perhaps the better comparison is with the “fast and the furious” movies or “Tokyo drift” (dunno, Ain’t seen it and don’t need to after what we witnessed):
It seems like, despite the now occasional hiss and (mild) slap to the head, the boys want to be friends with Ms. Jenny. I should point out that she gives as good as she gets, taking Mazuzu’s demonic impersonation down a notch to, say, “impish”. Tito’s pooped from all the playing and tentative cooing he exchanged with Jenny, and we are just astounded by the innate skills cats have to win you over. Chin rubs. Purrs (loud, too). Pettings, cooing and more of the arsenal of cuteness the furry (and naked) ones deploy to conquer us humans. From birth. Right out of the box!

I’ll put it this way: I’d gladly sign up to crew Jenny’s 8 sails ship across the seas of cheese.
Thank you, Raptor Jesus, I shall now read from the first book of Titus, of the LOLBible:
“Old pplz wiv tall hatz gotted to be gud, coz workin for teh Ceiling Cat. That meanz no catnipz, no fightin on teh garden fence, no scratchin other kittehs, an not pooin on teh monies, kthx.”
To add, please Jenny, quit flicking them out the box. KTHXBAI.
Kittoune: Pronounced Kit-toon. This word came about as a result of our kitties staring us, damaging our brain cells, and reducing us to silly mushballs. From the French suffix “toune” (ph: toon: little, small, colloquial).
Friday Night Cats Blogging: early transmission
Yet another dawn broke over JBoD’s realm, streaming photons into the fearsome three. Or two, since Tito is really more of a lovebug.

Miss Nightshade Jenny slumbers in her private room dreaming of the void between stars, while Tito longs to make friends and Maz Whang plots another food theft. Jenny’s food.

As a friend of Rudha-an suggested, it could well be that the mix of Siamese and Tortoiseshell in Jenny’s make up has resulted in a creature fit for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
Witness the gnawing on my wife’s arm alternating with grooming: I chew, I lick, I chew, I lick… Look at her crossways and she hisses before grooming you again. Okay, but what about the chewing on Rudha-an’s eyebrows? By the way, for those of you who never experienced a kitten chewing contentedly on your eyebrows, the hardest part is fighting the giggles. Laughing could be deadly, and Mister Bean would be a perfect target for her “attentions”.

Looking at Jenny’s angelic face and the arch of her eyes, one could easily forget the unusual red fiery spots on her ears, giving a clue as to her temperament. I foresee epic encounters with Mazuzu Whang, himself so much larger than life, on a scale not seen since, well, since Galactus and the Silver Surfer showed up in our system, with Tito and us playing the role of the Fantastic Four.
By the way, just to clarify the kibble tossing: Jenny flicks her head to spit out the kibble, then bats it around. In other words she spits and smacks it around savagely. I am thinking of her more and more as Heddy. Miss Heddy Hades…
The sun will be setting soon, and knowing She owns the night, I shiver.
Miss Nightshade Jenny and a Major Breakthrough
Miss Nightshade Jenny still has a long way to go, but she has made a major breakthrough. It started with the laser pointer. I managed to get her out from under the dresser to play. Then she got brave enough to stay out to eat and play some more. Once in a while, she would remember that I was there and dart back under the futon.
Last night, a minor miracle occurred. I was parked on the futon with a blanket covering me and I was reading. I was watching Jenny out of the corner of my eye, but my main goal was just getting her used to my presence. Something made me look down by my feet. Jenny was on the Futon! I left her alone to explore and relax a bit. Eventually, I worked my hand down to her and touched her cheek. Oh my. A scritching fest and a lot of purring followed. Once in a while, she would forget herself and hiss at me, followed by head bonking. She even came up to my face to butt my head and nibble on my eyebrows.
Wow! She still gets scared and dives under the futon in fear, but she’s getting better. Here are a few more photos that I managed to get. Please forgive the blurry ones. She’s not used to the camera yet and I didn’t want to use the flash.