Friday Night Cats blogging: New World Order

We know cats took over the internet.
We have always known this would be the beginning, and we have proof that the end is nigh for man’s dominion over this world…
Tito has been exercising his power of inflicting pain on humans who displease Him from afar. Witness Him assuming direct control over this human on TV.

Tito assuming direct control
Tito assuming direct control

Mazuzu Whang displaying His power, eyes and ears in perfect celestial alignment… Did I mention he can fly?

Kitsy eyes and ears alignment
Thus spake Mazuzu Whang

Miss Jenny Herself ripped tufts of Her fur in rage (well okay, it was a fluffy toy but the intent was chillingly clear).

Jenny furry toy

Traumatic though this upheaval may seem, Cats prove themselves to be kind Masters, Ceiling Cat be praised…

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Caturday blogging: Saturday morning cattoons

Time for the Pointy Eared Superstars to shine a bit:

Maz on black blanket
I make this look goooood....
Tito Jenny in basket
Wake us when the food's ready...

There’s still the occasional bout of hissing, and Miss Jenny sounds a little bit like this (sorry about the definition, but we’re talking post WWII cartoons, here):

The little romance between Tito and Jenny is a little bit like this:

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Warning: Pets Flying in Winter

This should have occurred to me sooner but didn’t because I live in San Francisco and it doesn’t snow here. I want to share a bit about winter travel with pets. In particular, the warning is about the cargo hold of an airplane. The cargo hold is only heated while in flight. Before or after takeoff it is unheated and may even have the doors open. Regulations require that animals cannot be kept in the hold or on the tarmac for more than 45 minutes. However, even that can be too long. There are many horror stories about pets dying from hypothermia. I know I would be devastated if anything like this happened to my furkids. I’m sure you would be too.

For more about travel with pets, the Automobile Club has an excellent page about it. You can read it here.  Have a happy holiday and travel safely


Cats in Hats

Happy Monday! I came across a few cats in hats. They were funny and I couldn’t resist. The videos all belong to shironekoshiro at YouTube. Please visit them as you find a lot more hats on cats there.
party hat

Fig hat

Leaf hat

Tulip hat

Container hats

Caturday blogging: the cute is strong

It’s Tito’s turn to feel under the weather with sniffles and sneezes galore. He is on his way to recovery, but it’s been a trying three days.

That and lay offs at work… In any event, this is our excuse for the delay in posting about our masters and mistress. The mistress who farted on me twice in less than 24 hours, the furry fiend. Oh she loves to be petted, for then she poots. Christ. Here they are in their splendor:

Jenny in tower
I'm gassy...
Tito and Jenny
Flavor flav...
Maz tail
Tail of Maz for lunch

Animals teach us many lessons don’t they?

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Terrific Tuesday: Tis the Christmas Season

Yes, it’s the Christmas season. If I ever considered having a Christmas tree, these vids might make me think again. With our three cats, a Christmas tree wouldn’t last 5 minutes. Last Tuesday, I posted a video about Oskar, the Blind Kitty. Here he is again and he’s helping his human put up a small Christmas tree. You can visit Oskar’s YouTube page here.

The next video is a little ditty about kittens in the Christmas tree.

Last, but not least is a guide to mechanized holiday accessories by the guys from The Engineer’s Guide to Cats.


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