A Stroll Through the Arboretum

We love Strybing Arboretum in Golden Gate Park. I forgot, they changed the name. It’s now called San Francisco Botanical Garden at Strybing Arboretum. While I’m completely unimpressed with the name change, I love to visit the Arboretum. It is free to the San Francisco residents and there is something new to see every time we go. Here are a few examples.

Strybing Arboretum
Yellow Protea
Strybing Arboretum
Fuzzy seeds
Strybing Arboretum
Strybing Arboretum
Red and white Protea
Strybing Arboretum
Tree fern
Strybing Arboretum
Seeds glowing in the sun
Strybing Arboretum
Flower floating on water
Strybing Arboretum
Western scrub jay

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Friday Night Cats Blogging: Chaos

That’s why we love ’em. Their ability to foster and navigate chaos, the little @#&%*… Five in the morning? Is you asleep? FEED ME.

“FEED ME NOMS I LOIKES. Wet and smelly stuff that gets on yer sleepy, uncoordinated fingers and make you wince when you touch your face in a half-sleep… Know this: what’s good fer us iz good fer you.”

Damned dictators the lot of them. Here are photos of the criminals. I have to go back and try, just TRY to get some sleep. Kee-rist on a stick…

"Look into my eyes, not around the eyes. Look into my eyes..."
“Look into my eyes, not around the eyes. Look into my eyes…”
"Leave my dinner there. Then you may go"
“Leave my dinner there. Then you may go”
"Well that's all right..."
“Well that’s all right…”

We thought it was a growth at first.

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Maz Whang? Haz a Sexy

I caught Maz Whang at it again. I swear he’s really trying out for the calendar model thing. Here are his latest attempts. I actually think he’s rather good. I would prefer that he keep it tasteful though.

The dainty pose
The dainty pose
Oooh sexy
Oooh sexy

But he’s also taken to calling himself “Mazza”, Italian for “Mace”, thinking it more catchy. How do we know? He has… Peed his new moniker a few times in the litter box, promptly scratched over by Miss Jenny who doesn’t cotton to such things.

"The penis mightier than the sword, no?" in Ricardo Montalban's voice
“The penis mightier than the sword, no?” in Ricardo Montalban’s voice

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Valentine’s Day with Kitty Love

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone. I’m not into gobs of pink and flowers and whatnot, so I figured I would just share a couple of videos featuring Oskar the Blind Kitty and his best friend Klaus. It’s definitely love. Please feel free to visit their blog or check out their YouTube page.


Oskar was born blind. His buddy Klaus lost a chunk of his ear. Both of these kitties were rescues and now they have a wonderful forever home.

Here are Oskar and Klaus having an epic door battle.

Here are Oskar and Klaus going for their daily walk.

Klaus isn’t in this video, but Oskar is having a lot of funny with the hair dryer.

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Caturday Blogging: the temptation of Tito

After 40 days and nights of Jenny and Maz farting through the wilderness, which is still ongoing, and being relentlessly tempted to misbehave, Tito finally gives in…


Sure, sure, the other two are so much fun to romp and wrestle with, and so… Nommable.

In here with us

Sure, Maz steals food and likes to plant his arse and naughty bits in our faces when we sleep (I found an egg roll on the kitchen floor this very morning), while Jenny attacks anything that moves or she thinks is moving, farting up a storm as I lean to pet her.

Miss Jenny
Chicka chicka bow wow

Tito started by playing alone behind the drapes, as he likes to do. once in a while stopping to see if the others were enticed to come and check him out. This took some time, as Maz was busy looking for something to steal, or “liberate” as he calls it, in the kitchen and Jenny herself was stalking him, fascinated as she is by his spectacular nakedness ( she often looks back at us with a WTF is that look on her face).

Suddenly the noises from the window became a racket and we both turned to see that Tito had climbed up the drapes all the way to the ceiling, his head rotating almost 180 degrees, “exorcist” like. This was a first… The climbing, I mean. I’ve seen him do the head thing before when he’s tripping on catnip.

Sigh… Little Tito wants to fly…

Evil, never forget, is ever watchful.

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A musical interlude and the content of things to come

I’ve been mulling over a review of the Mexican film “we are what we are“, finding it just about as difficult as reviewing, say, “rubber“. 2010 turned out to be a great year for quality films.

So as I’ve done in the past, I will do a sort of trifecta, in which I will use two other films which content helps gain an appreciation for the first one. These are Takeshi Kitano’s Yakuza movie “outrage” and Britain’s “Brighton Rock“, adapted from Graham Greene’s novel.

All three are terrific dramas well worth checking out. In the mean time, we hope you might enjoy a sampling of music we love. The first by French duo June and Lula: “I’m not going”.

Then from Brittany, Nolwenn Leroy’s “Tri Martolod”.

And from 1980’s Belgium, Front 242’s “welcome to paradise”…

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Manic Monday with Quail

It’s another manic Monday and that requires a bit of humor. I tend to surf the net until something catches my eye. That usually results in a snowball effect of memory jogs and link chasing. That is pretty much what happened in this case.

I found this video.

The above video immediately reminded me of my favorite Ab Fab bit that I just had to share.


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Midnight Movie Madness: “Burke and Hare”

Burke and Hare” – (91 minutes, UK, 2010)

Funny story. Two Irish guys, both named William, go to Edinburgh circa 1827 and… Well, “Burke and Hare” tells of William Burke (Simon Pegg) and William Hare (Andy Serkis), scraping by in a city experiencing a sort of Renaissance in scientific studies, particularly medicine. As it happens, two rival surgeons, Doctors Robert Knox (Tom Wilkinson) and Alexander Monro (Tim Curry), are in stiff competition for fresh human meat to dissect.

Burke Pegg Hare Serkis
Burke (left) and Hare (right)

Continue reading “Midnight Movie Madness: “Burke and Hare””

Friday Night Cats Blogging: the crapture

… Los Bastardos, those high priests of malevolence, Maz “the mace” Whang and Miss Pirate Jenny, continue their re-enactment of “children of Dune” on an 18 by 24 inch stage…

No spice and no worms (thank Ceiling Cat), only disastrous leavings draped or laid in odd places like the edge of the litter box or the floor. I’ve actually watched Maz back up in the box and drop a load on the floor…

I wonder whether Salvador Dali had cats… That could explain this:

Dali clock painting
Like soft cat leavings. Thanks guys...

Cleaning up these messes is no fun and brings Rudha-an close to horking. Sigh… So I’ll do my best to try and keep my cookies down as I pick up the horrid turds.

I'm tidy..!
I’m tidy..!
I fear this. Very much
I fear this. Very much
"Because I can..."
“Because I can…”

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Miss Nightshade Jenny and the Art of Kibble Tossing

Kibble kibble everywhere
Kibble kibble everywhere, even in the water dish

Yes, Miss Jenny is a kibble tosser. She has made an art of it. Sadly, our feet are suffering. Kibble just isn’t fun to step on in the dark. It took a while before we saw how she did it. We knew it was her because we never had to clean up kibble before she came to live with us.

Caught in the act
Caught in the act

One day, I walked into the kitchen and caught her in the act. She stands IN the kibble bowl to eat. When she’s done eating, she makes a large leap to get out and the kibble flies everywhere. What a silly little kitty.

Non Sequitur warning

This was just too funny

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