Beach birdies

The last time we went to Baker Beach, we saw a few birds. I don’t know what they were…maybe sanderlings? I took a long time to post these as I was trying to identify them. Maybe one of you will know. They were fun to watch at any rate.

beach birds
Beach birds looking for food in between waves. by Rudha-an
beach birds
Beach birds in flight by Lastech

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Caturday: What evil lurks?

Happy Caturday to all. Hopefully all of our friends who are enduring the blizzard are doing well. To make this official, I will NOT call a winter storm by a stupid name. Our National Weather Service doesn’t name them. The Weather Channel and affiliates have done so and it’s nothing more than a marketing ploy. When NOAA decides to name a storm, I’ll be on board.

Lastech is finally recovering from the cold in his dode, so hopefully we’ll have another adventure soon. In the meantime, here are the stars of the show.

Tito's claws
I haz clawz! Let me show you them
Miss Jenny
I’ve been taunting the birdies. Now I’m going to harass Tito.
Tito and Miss Jenny
There’s nothing better than warm snuggles

For a change of pace, here is a bit of humor starring Ricky Gervais.

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Caturday: What’s in the bag?

My apologies for not having posted much. Sometimes life gets in the way. Lastech has a cold in his dode and I had a fall. The first is miserable and the second was downright stupid (and preventable). Lucky for me, aside from a few bruises, the only thing broken was my pride.

Now for the furkids as it really is their day to shine.

Hubby was in the kitchen when he felt eyes watching him.

Miss Jenny watches
Miss Jenny

Speaking of hubby… He was taking pics of Tito and took his glasses off. Oops!

Nom nom nom

And now for a bit of humor

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A milestone and a bird

A couple of days ago, we were driving by the upper reservoir at McLaren park when I spotted something white down by the water.

10,000th photo on this camera
If you look close, you can see the white thing

If you mouse over the photo above, you’ll see the milestone.

As for the white object? It was a beautiful bird.

Great Egret
This Great Egret is a true beauty.

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Caturday and the mystery of the flying fur

Yes, evidently the fur flew. I don’t know when or how. It was done in stealth mode or I would have heard it. I awoke to a cold apartment and got up to turn the heater on and when I got to the hall there were a  bunch of tufts of white hair lying about. It was white hair, but it wasn’t Miss Jenny’s. You see, Tito’s hair is only charcoal at the tips. He’s white underneath. I also saw tufts sticking out of his fur that had not hit the floor yet, so it was clear that Miss Jenny was the offending party.

What was she doing?

Miss Jenny
I’m sure Miss Jenny was plotting evil. Oh, what is that behind her?
Tito's feets
Tito is wondering what she is plotting

Was she creating a wig? Did she think she might look like this? (Our thanks to shironekoshiro at Youtube)

Sadly, she would have probably looked like this instead. (thanks to Cheezeburger).

Whatever happened, it was during playtime as I’ve seen no evidence of malice. They are nestled together on the cushion as I type.

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Monday morning zen…Of a sort

Lastech works graveyard and last night was his Friday.  Following his suggestion, we made a quick trip to the park hoping for cool, frosty pictures. Quiet it was, for a short time.

We started off at the Japanese Tea Garden…

A moment of zen
A moment of zen

It was nice while it lasted…which was less than 15 minutes. We  heard the obnoxious and icky sound of horking (Lastech: she means puking) coming from the other side of the garden. Jeebus! It’s really not a good idea for a girl to party all night and then go out to the park while NOT dressed for the cold and still inebriated.

We made our escape before I found myself wanting to join in with a sympathy hork. Ugh!

We crossed the street to the arboretum in order to restore our moment of zen. Ceiling Cat be praised, we found it.

San Francisco Botanical Garden
Magnolia leaf
Magnolia leaf
Ice on the pond
Ice on the pond

The last photo is a rare sight in San Francisco. Frost is rare here and frozen water more so.

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Caturday: Blanket forts kitty style

When I was young, I made a lot of blanket forts. I built them so I could hide with a flashlight at night and read. Mom wanted me to sleep and I wanted to READ darn it!

Our furkids are pretty fond of blanket forts. Tito likes the one we make when we sit in bed and read or watch tv. He stands on us and paws at the blanket until it’s lifted and then he scoots under to sleep under our knees.

Fort Tito
Tito is happily ensconced in his fort made by papa.

Jenny isn’t so fond of sleeping that close to a human. The only time she spends a lot of time close to us is when she is in zombie mode. Then she stands by daddy’s head and nibbles on his eyebrows and bald head. I’m sure she just wants to get at those brainzzzzzzz. Instead, she makes her fort on the cushion using the sheets we have hung up over the window to make it darker.

Fort Jenny
Here Miss Jenny is peering out of her fort.

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Senseless Act of Beauty: Baker Beach

Wednesday was cold and grey at the beach, typical for winter in San Francisco.

Baker Beach
Winter at Baker Beach

Aside from a few people fishing and a couple of dog walkers, I was alone. To my great delight, I discovered a beautiful little splash of color. To the person who created this, I thank you..!

A perfect splash of color on a dreary day
A perfect splash of color on a dreary day

Baker Beach

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Two mostly unrelated photos

I was suddenly reminded by a Facebook friend that I had these photos. The only thing they have in common is that they were taken on the same day in Golden Gate Park and involved water.

Just a rock in a pond
Just a rock in a pond

The American Coot has very cool feet

American coot feet

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