Ok, it WAS raining at 0500 hours. It was a most wonderful sound. We’re supposed to get more, but I’ll believe it when I see it. It wasn’t enough rain, but any rain is better than no rain. This drought is taking a terrible toll on the state.
Note: I got a wild hair and decided to change the way the blog displays. It’s a work in progress, so have patience.
Now it’s time for the fur people to shine
Lastech took this pic the other day.
For something on the weird side, here’s a bit of “The Tale of the Crack Fox” from the Mighty Boosh. It’s only the first couple of minutes of the episode.
It appears that the Giants are in the World Series once again. That’s 3 times in 5 years. It’s the first time in 29 years that the Kansas City Royals have even been part of the post season. While I will root for the home team, I won’t cry if the Royals win. It would be well deserved. In either case, I just hope that the local morons don’t use it as an excuse to light fires and destroy things. Those who do are a blight on the community.
As for the pointy eared people, they don’t care about the World Series. They DO object to the celebratory gunfire and fireworks though.
And now it’s time for the latest Simon’s Cat video.
If any of you are familiar with Shirley Jackson’s book The Haunting of Hill House, or the 1963 movie The Haunting, you’ll know what I’m referring to. The constant hammering from 7 am to 8 pm every day is awful. Hill House would be much more quiet by comparison. The pointy eared people have PTSD and we’re not far behind.
In light of all that, this their time to shine. This week, I decided to give them an artful tweak.
Here’s the construction update.
So that I don’t end this on a sour note, he’s a mega dose of “Squee” from the ever wonderful Ze Frank. I can live with the fact that it’s a Friskies ad.
We’re having a heat wave. It was a lovely 92 out yesterday and looks to be the same today. We’re all surviving it ok. It should cool down again soon. In the meantime, the kitties are all hiding in the darkest corners, so getting pics has been real work. Oh, and my lip is finally back to normal, though I’ll be on the antibiotics for another 5 days yet.
I was intending to post something during the week, but it got a tad stressful here. On Tuesday morning at 7 am, they started to work on the wall of our building. Our bedroom is on one side of the wall and their work on the other side. They were stripping the plaster off to prep it for the new building going in next door.
This was the view later in day
The funny part about the whole thing was that my phone went off at 11:30 that day. I couldn’t answer it because the noise level was far too high. It was the landlady, but she didn’t leave a voice mail. She called again at noon on Wednesday and since the crew was on break, I answered. The convo went like this…
Her: The crew wanted me to call and tell you that they would be working on your wall and that it would be noisy.
Me: I know. They started yesterday at 7 am.
Her: I tried to call you yesterday, but you didn’t answer.
Me: The construction noise was too loud for me to answer
It was absurd
Anyhow, It time for the pointy eared people to shine. They have really adjusted well to the constant construction racket. Jenny is doing exceptionally well, given her normal levels of paranoia. 🙂
Ok, it was more like a very heavy drizzle, but it was wonderful. We went out in it and got soaked before we were done. I hope to have some pics up in a day or two. The construction continues with all the noise and dust. Pfffft! At least the pointy eared people are less panicked now.
Now it’s time for the pointy eared people to shine.
I have a construction update this week. While we still have a kitchen window, there’s no view to speak of, so I took this from across the street.
And now for your viewing pleasure, here is a happy elephant
With Lastech on swing shift, we had to go run errands early today that almost caused me to forget what day it was. To make matter worse, Tito has made it a point to run when he sees the camera. What can you do? 🙂
I light of my last post about seagull youngsters, here’s a good bird fight vid.
A while back we went for a walk around Pier 39. Oddly enough, it was to check on the gulls and possibly catch a sunset. The gulls were more entertaining with plenty (too many?) of offspring this year and I wanted to see them before they left the nest for good. I missed out on the little ones, but these were pretty darned funny.
The last two pics were taken on a different day. They may not have been the gull in the other pics, but they are from the same season.
The beat of hammers, that is. Progress is being made, even today. They don’t work on Sundays, thank goodness. The fleas are still an issue, but getting much better. Thanks to the humidity, I have to reapply the Diotomaceous earth (food grade) on a regular basis, but I made sure I got enough to do that.
I had a post prepared for midweek, but I had to go off and deal with jury duty and issues with the apartment. I’ll try to post it tomorrow.
Here are the furbabies
As for the construction….
Now for something unique. There was a traffic jam on the Golden Gate Bridge right in the middle of the evening rush hour.
The deer (black-tailed) made it across safely and vanished into the headlands that are visible in the vid. 🙂