Tito and Jenny are both nervous wreck kitties. In Tito’s case, it has taken him 4 years to learn to relax…mostly. He’s still terrified of shoes and he smacks the crap out of anything that doesn’t look right to him. Aside from smacking inanimate objects that make him nervous, he doesn’t have a mean bone in his body. He’s a gentle soul and he adores Miss Jenny.
I managed to get some photos of him practicing the dead bug. He’s getting quite good at holding the position for a long time. Miss Jenny is still too nervous to attempt this position.

Speaking of dead bugs….
YouTube video by Carmichaellynch
Miss Annabel Lee is the biggest scaredy doggy i’ve ever had. she actually sneaked up on Torre and scared herself in the process LOL.
Oh heavens! It sounds like Miss Lee and Tito may be related somehow. Tito skeers himself on a regular basis.